Thursday, April 28, 2016

VMware KB: Removing or Disabling unwanted plug-ins from vCenter Server and vCenter Server Appliance (1025360)

VMware KB: Removing or Disabling unwanted plug-ins from vCenter Server and vCenter Server Appliance (1025360)

turn off unwanted annoying un-needed plugins

VM Won't Shutdown / Script to kill a hung vCenter task | VMware Communities

Script to kill a hung vCenter task | VMware Communities

If a VM can't be shut down or restarted because of "Another task is in progress" messages, here's a method to kill the VM:

SSH must be enabled on the host so you can SSH in. Alternatively, this can be done using PowerCLI, but I need to look up the commands.

esxcli vm process list

This displays a list of all the running VMs. You need to find the World ID of the VM that is stuck. Example:

   World ID: 5466595
   Process ID: 0
   VMX Cartel ID: 5466592
   UUID: 42 1b c8 64 36 2f 9d 94-d2 0e 97 9d f4 43 48 97
   Display Name: ATL-FILE-01
   Config File: /vmfs/volumes/52322814-b2c9b3ad-41d8-001018a06dea/ATL-FILE-01/ATL-FILE-01.vmx

To kill the VM:

esxcli vm process kill -t hard -w 5466595

If that doesn't work, use:

esxcli vm process kill -t force -w 5466595

 GEN - Win7x32_PBTPXD_4-baseDisk-datastore-9144/BTP XD_4 GEN - Win7x32_PBTPXD_4-baseDisk-datastore-9144-000028.vmdk

[XD_4] BTP XD_4 GEN - Win7x32_PBTPXD_4-baseDisk-datastore-9144/BTP XD_4 GEN - Win7x3

[XD_4] BTPXD04GEN013/BTPXD04GEN013_IdentityDisk-000002.vmdk

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Great script for viewing and disabling Vmware Netflow on a VDPortgroup, the below was a couple of quick and dirty scripts to first of all list all VDPortgroups and if they have Netflow enabled, the second was to disable Netflow for a VDPortgroup or a number of VDPortgroups.
This may help with a known issue on ESXi 5.1 when Netflow is enabled:

List all VDPortGroups and if Netflow is enabled

Get-VDPortgroup | Select Name, VirtualSwitch, @{Name="NetflowEnabled";Expression={$_.Extensiondata.Config.defaultPortConfig.ipfixEnabled.Value}}

Function Disable-PGNetflow {
   Param (
   Process {
      Foreach ($PG in $DVPG) {
         $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.DVPortgroupConfigSpec
         $spec.configversion = $PG.Extensiondata.Config.ConfigVersion
         $spec.defaultPortConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.VMwareDVSPortSetting
         $spec.defaultPortConfig.ipfixEnabled = New-Object VMware.Vim.BoolPolicy
         $spec.defaultPortConfig.ipfixEnabled.inherited = $false
         $spec.defaultPortConfig.ipfixEnabled.value = $false
         $PGView = Get-View -Id $PG.Id
# Disable Netfow for a VDPortgroup
Get-VDPortgroup DPortGroup | Disable-PGNetflow

Vmware NSX SSL creation 

Using OpenSSL for NSX Manager SSL import: Creates CSR and 4096 bit KEY Creating NSX 6.4.2 SSL    openssl req -out nsxcert.csr -newkey rsa:40...