Friday, December 14, 2018

Vmware NSX SSL creation 

Using OpenSSL for NSX Manager SSL import:

Creates CSR and 4096 bit KEY

Creating NSX 6.4.2 SSL 


openssl req -out nsxcert.csr -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout nsxcert.key -config dc1vc2nsxmgr01.cnf


Log into WIndows PKI

Open CSR in Notepad++ then paste into the Windows PKI Cert web:



Request a Cert

Submit a certificate request by using a base-64-encoded CMC or PKCS #10 file, or submit a renewal request by using a base-64-encoded PKCS #7 file.

Cert Template: VSphere6.5 (Drop down)


On Windows PKI server for vCenter SSL cert you will need the **Base 64 encode**:

nsxcert.cer (machine cert)

nsxcert.p7b (CA chain) Carries Sub and Root CA information



nsxcert.p7b Extract Sub and Root CA and save as:





(Know order sequence)


Copy 3 files to the workstation with OPENSSL BIN directory






**Have nsxcert.key in same BIN directory**


Use notepad++




save as .PEM


example: nsx-sub-root.pem


Convert PEM to PFX using OpenSSL


openssl pkcs12 -export -out nsx.pfx -inkey vransxcert.key -in nsx-machine.cer -certfile nsx-sub-root.pem

Vmware NSX SSL creation 

Using OpenSSL for NSX Manager SSL import: Creates CSR and 4096 bit KEY Creating NSX 6.4.2 SSL    openssl req -out nsxcert.csr -newkey rsa:40...